Developing Our Talent

Developing Our Talent (DOT).

The long-term outcome of DOT is to have a higher percentage of adults with a degree or credential. Activity in DOT includes supporting children, families, and educators from birth through college or credentialing. Therefore, it is necessary to track earlier milestones and interventions, such as third grade reading and kindergarten readiness.

Figure 2 lists the Developing Our Talen (DOT) outcomes.


Figure 2. Developing Our Talent Outcome Table


Outcome Community Measure Foundation / Grant Measure
Higher percentage of children are ready for K-12 school Percentage of kindergarteners without a preschool experience reported ("Kindergarten Pathways," n.d.) •Kindergarten readiness assessment
A higher percentage of children are reading at a grade level by third grade Percentage of children advanced or proficient in ELA in 3rd grade ("Grades 3-8 Assessments: Proficiency." n.d.) •Percent of gains in reading as compared to student's typical gains in that time (example: Dibbles)
A higher percentage of children attend school Total Not Chronically Absent ("Student Count-Attendance." n.d.) •Children's report cards (percentage of kids in program who are not chronically absent)
A higher percentage of children graduate high school in six years or less Six-year Cohort Graduation Rate ("Graduation Dropout," n.d.) •Motivation and behaviors to graduate
•Attendance and grades
•Credit Recovery
A higher percentage of children enroll in post-secondary education College Enrollment by high school within 6 months ("College Enrollment by High School," n.d.) •Beliefs and motivations about college
•Self-reported college enrollment

Midland Area Community Foundation

76 Ashman Circle Midland, MI 48640

Phone: (989) 839-9661


© 2021 Midland Area Community Foundation